A therapeutic movement program for individuals recovering from addiction and trauma.
By opening the doorways to really inhabit our own bodies
and stay aware of what we feel and sense, we can participate more fully in our lives.
RecoveryInMotion Sessions:
Movement and Dramatherapy sessions in residential and outpatient treatment facilities
for Clients recovering from Addiction, Mental Health issues and Trauma.

Body-Mind Recovery
Integrating Movement and Psyche
This group process is aimed at clients in early recovery to become reacquainted with their physicality which creates more embodiment. This serves to ground and back up the significant realizations they are experiencing cognitively at this time.
When the body becomes a familiar terrain, emotional intelligence follows.
This process helps clients move away from reactivity and impulsivity and towards responsiveness and freedom.

Body Language
Freedom of Expression
In these 1:1 sessions we will give space to the articulation of your voice, your feelings and your imagination. We will bring attention to how you move, sense, feel and express what lives in you.

Drama Therapy
Healing and Discovery
A Jungian based method that uses mythology, movement, storytelling and ritual to help heal core wounds and shift group dynamics by revealing new aspects of the self.

Into the Elements
Nature Inspired Movement
A moving meditation in natural environments to encourage exploration of and relationship to the outside landscape.

Recovery In Motion - Women's Community Class
A Movement Meditation class for Women in Recovery
A 5Rhythms® Movement and Dance class for women in recovery from alcoholism and addiction. The 5Rhythms® has both a depth and a simplicity. There are no steps to follow but a strong invitation to your own dance. We will breath into where we are free and where we are stuck and find home in our own skins.
Why Body Based Therapy?
"The astonishing structure of the body and the amazing actions it can perform are some of he greatest miracles of existence. Each phase of a movement, every small transference of weight, every single gesture of any part of the body reveals some feature of our inner life."
-Rudolph Laban

What our clients say...
"Charlie is so fluent in the language of the body, she spots a gesture or two, notices the way I breathe (or don’t), and then she can guide me to express the heart of the matter through my body. Sometimes that allows me to find the words I need, sometimes Charlie’s work bypasses words entirely to get to what I need to heal and move forward. It’s powerful magic, made even more powerful by Charlie’s sensitive and caring presence."
Deborah Gavrin Frangquist, Career Consultant
"Charlie perfectly blended the psychological, somatic, and movement processes in a way that shined a light on, and freed me from, my self-imposed shadow. The result was quite literally "stepping out of " these old beliefs which no longer fit the person I had become. "